TuiNa Massage
Mudán is not a health centre. We recommend that you always consult with your health specialist.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice that was originated thousands of years ago. When a block or disturbance in the flow of the body's vital energy, or "qi", can cause health problems.
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Acupuncture influences the autonomic nervous system (which controls body functions) and the release of chemicals that regulate blood flow and pressure, reduce inflammation, and calm the brain.
Acupuncture will generally use six to 15 small needles per treatment (number of needles does not indicate intensity of treatment). The needles are usually left in for 30 minutes aprox.
A diagnosis is required prior to aplication. Ask our acupuncturist
Classic acupuncture or Tung
35 € / session.
Special prices for long term treatments.